Distal Interphalangeal Predominant Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

Treatment of Distal Interphalangeal Predominant Psoriatic Arthritis

Treatment for Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis is based addressing the individual symptoms of the severity of the condition the patient is experiencing. Treatment may be adjusted as the condition flares or goes into remission over time.

Treatment of Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis is based on treatment of the psoriasis portion of the condition and the treatment of the arthritis itself. Primary methods of treatment management would include anti-inflammatory medications, elevation of the feet; and massage to relieve and reduce swelling, improve circulation and lymphatic drainage and reduce inflammation. Ice packs and moist heat can provide relief for the pain and discomfort of inflamed joints. Application of ice packs can produce a numbing effect and can dull the sensation of pain. Application of moist heat can help relax muscle spasms and reduce pain. There are several products available today that in one application can produce both the numbing effect of ice and the relaxation of pain from heat. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as naproxen or ibuprofen, or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs also known as DMARDs, or with the use of immune suppressing medications to help reduce or relieve inflammation and swelling and thus slow the progression of the arthritis. It should be noted that these medications can be irritating to the stomach and long-term use may result in kidney or cardiovascular damage.

The second part of this treatment process involves addressing the symptoms of psoriasis. One method of achieving this without causing a drug interference with the treatment of the arthritic portion of treatment would be a topical such as Psoriasis-Ltd. Psoriasis-Ltd is comprised of a soothing blend of beneficial minerals specially formulated to work synergistically to improve the appearance of psoriasis and psoriasis related conditions. This blend of minerals enhances the body's ability to restore the balance to the skin so needed to begin the healing process.

Apply the disks to any affected area of the skin by simply gliding the disk over the skin after bathing while the skin is still damp. Apply Psoriasis-Ltd III at least two times per day, or as time allows, especially at bedtime. A good time to apply Psoriasis-Ltd III is after a bath or shower when the body is wet and this is especially true if there is a large skin area affected.

During the course of psoriasis, your condition will worsen and then improves, requiring constant attention to the changing cycle of treatment and management. Most types of psoriasis go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a time or even going into complete remission. In many cases, however, the disease eventually returns.

What is Distal Interphalangeal Predominant Psoriatic Arthritis?

Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis or DIP for short is a sub-type of psoriatic arthritis. This variety of psoriatic arthritis is characterized by inflammation and/or stiffness in the joints at the tips or very end digit of the fingers and toes. The ends of the fingers or toes may become disfigured taking on a fattened appearance. Although it is most common in only the tip of the fingers or toes, other joints may also be affected. Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis is more prevalent in men than women. These changes to the fingers and toes are not commonly found in cases of rheumatoid arthritis.

Changes in the nail involving pitting, splitting, crumbling or degeneration are commonly seen on the affected fingers or toes. The nail itself may become discolored and turn a yellowish-orange color. DIP psoriatic arthritis in present in 5 to 10% of patients with psoriatic arthritis.

Proper diagnosis is encouraged as Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis may be confused with Osteoarthritis, which is a chronic form of arthritis that can cause the joint cartilage and tissue to deteriorate. Osteoarthritis is also associated with bone spurs at the joints which is not common in DIP psoriatic arthritis.

The Cause of Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis

The exact cause of Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis is not known, but as with all forms of psoriatic arthritis is thought to be caused by an auto immune condition triggered by genetic elements. Environmental factors may also play a role in the occurrence of Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis can affect everyone differently with varying degrees of severity and disfigurement. Approximately 95% of psoriatic arthritis sufferers will experience swelling in joints, and perhaps 80% or more will observe varying degrees of changes in their nails such as pitting, splitting, discoloring, or lifting of the nail.

Other symptoms of psoriatic arthritis may include but are limiting to stiffness, pain, swelling and tenderness of the joints and the soft tissue around them. The swelling or inflammation can affect or limit their range of motion and use. One may also experience redness, pain and swelling of the eyes, leading to a diagnosis of a condition known as ocular psoriasis.