Inverse Psoriasis Treatment

Inverse psoriasis can be easily treated using Psoriasis-Ltd III, an all-natural treatment composed of soothing ingredients. Inverse psoriasis occurs when two areas of skin meet causing mild friction that can cause the two areas to become very sensitive areas of the body once psoriasis begins. The ingredients of Psoriasis-Ltd III are well adapted to the complex needs of treating inverse psoriasis. Psoriasis-Ltd III provides the most favorable skin acceptance for those with sensitive psoriasis damaged skin surfaces. The key to Psoriasis-Ltd III is in it's simplicity. It delivers many well-known and well-documented beneficial minerals directly to the skin in a soothing application without the side effects that accompany many psoriasis treatments.

Steroid creams and ointments should be avoided due to the side effects of thinning of the skin and becoming steroid addicted which requires more and more over the months with a dependence upon steroids with an erosion of the skin.

The treatment of inverse psoriasis can be difficult to treat because of the skin folds are often have more moisture and is likely to provide an area that yeast can grow naturally.

The Symptoms of Inverse Psoriasis

The symptoms of Inverse psoriasis are characterized by smooth inflamed lesions in the body folds of the armpits, under the breast, skin folds of the groin, buttocks, and genitals. Inverse psoriasis is often misdiagnosed because of its resemblance to yeast infection such as Candida.

Contrary to the more common types of psoriasis, inverse psoriasis does is not characterized by scaling. Inverse psoriases, instead, is characterized by inflamed, bright red yet smooth patches of skin that may be painful and itchy.

Where Does Inverse Psoriasis Occur?

Inverse psoriasis is located in the body folds such as the groin area, it can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing. Too much scratching can worsen it and cause extreme inflammation. Scratching, friction and sweating, harsh soaps and skin care products, and stress of all sorts can result in a worsening of the symptoms of inverse psoriasis. The affected areas are susceptible to fungal infections.

Inverse psoriasis may be the result of a yeast overgrowth, as well as high sensitivity to friction and/or sweating. The skin lesions are further intensified by the sweat and skin rubbing together in the skin folds.

Who Gets Inverse Psoriasis?

Very few people ever get inverse psoriasis with the average being between 2% to 6% of the population between 40 and 60 years of age. Many are sometimes overweight causing more body fold area.